Detective Comics (1937-) #522 - Gerry Conway, Joey Cavalieri, Irv Novick & Trevor Von Eeden

Detective Comics (1937-) #522

Author: Gerry Conway, Joey Cavalieri, Irv Novick & Trevor Von Eeden

  • Publication Date: 2019-01-31
  • Category: Comics & Graphic Novels


Batman learns that Klaus Kristin, the Snowman, has been sighted in Tibet, and goes there to capture him. Green Arrow convinces the guards and George Taylor Jr. that he is not a thief, and learns that the Daily Star also shares time with a junior high school. There, after defeating some other robots, he discovers that Hi-Tek is really a fourteen-year-old computer nerd. After some talking, Green Arrow decides to become the boy�s friend and let him design a computerized digital sight for his bow.
