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  • A book all parents should read! If you love your children read it!

    By Left Foot48
    Abigail Shrier has put up a “wake up” call to Americans!
  • Excellent

    By upstaterebel 1222
    This is a well reasoned book based on excellent research. It’s fair-minded and explores the issues in a rational manner.
  • Poorly written, ill informed agenda driven hit piece

    By The Devils Harlequin
    It is unfortunately written in an amatueristic style lacking any meaningful deeper analysis of the Transgender community. It is framed Lin the manner of a vent from one perspective or agenda and flesh out from there. I find it lacks nuance and analysis from other perspectives. It unfortunately is a missed opportunity for a deeper analysis with a second perspective and nuanced discussion in prose.
  • Anti trans

    By frank av
    Bad Apple Books for suggesting this.
  • Fear mongering at its finest

    By ineedinsurance
    “Gender disphoria didn’t exhaust a couple generations ago” right, and in your time being openly queer was a crime so yeah people hid it. Love that your stance is “ I’m uncomfortable with people being themselves so it must be wrong. Quit speaking for those who didn’t ask you to
  • Wow

    By OregonRose83
    To think that the author legitimately wrote this, had it proofread, and still decided to publish this trash and tripe is not surprising in the least. How about, instead of attacking our community and our youth, engaging in positive thinking and understanding of the issues at hand and don’t set out to enflame anything just to make a quick buck?
  • This is the WORST

    By I like puppy dogs
    This is the worst thing since I saw my friend dipping steamed broccoli in chocolate expired chocolate milk

    By Cinnamon Roll 372
    This is a biased, transphobic book that basically tells parents that your kid is a girl and they are in a "craze" if they come out as trans and it will pass. The author tries to sound supportive but she is just making parents think its okay to be transphobic. Why don't they just talk to a therapist with the kids instead of relying on this transphobic, biased, stupid book?? 0/5
  • Transphobic nonsense

    By Animition Verse
    basically says trans males are confused teenage girls. like omg shut up.
  • Anyone saying this book is transphobic has obviously not read it

    By MEDohrmann
    A fair assessment of the culture, parents, woke mob, and the need for us to question and support as parents, not just affirm. Lots of interviews with parents and transitioned people, it is exceptionally interesting. The woke culture doesn’t like questions though.
