DC Super Hero Girls: Ghosting - Amanda Deibert & Yancey Labat

DC Super Hero Girls: Ghosting

Author: Amanda Deibert & Yancey Labat

  • Publication Date: 2021-09-07
  • Category: Comics & Graphic Novels


Diana Prince is the best. Usually. But these days, she�s coming in second�in history class, in gymnastics, in the race to feed Sir Isaac, the classroom newt. She could double down on training, but when her foe is getting a boost from a mystical mask, will that be enough? No, she will have to rely on her friends to help her combat this newly dangerous menace! Along the way, they�ll discover why so many classmates, family members, and super-villains have gone missing. And why there are so many Cheetahs in the mix!
