Solaris Rising 2 - Ian Whates, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Paul Cornell & Kay Kenyon

Solaris Rising 2

Author: Ian Whates, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Paul Cornell & Kay Kenyon

  • Publication Date: 2013-04-11
  • Category: Sci-Fi Short Stories


Solaris Rising 2 showcases the finest new science fiction from both celebrated authors and the most exciting of emerging writers. Following in the footsteps of the critically-acclaimed first volume, editor Ian Whates has once again gathered together a plethora of thrilling and daring talent. Within you will find unexplored frontiers as well as many of the central themes of the genre - alien worlds, time travel, artificial intelligence - made entirely new in the telling. The authors here prove once again why SF continues to be the most innovative, satisfying, and downright exciting genre of all.
