Batman Incorporated Special (2013-) #1 - Joe Keatinge, Chris Burnham, Dan Didio, Nathan Fairbairn, Michael Raicht, Emanuel Simeoni, Declan Shalvey, Ethan Van Sciver & John Paul Leon

Batman Incorporated Special (2013-) #1

Author: Joe Keatinge, Chris Burnham, Dan Didio, Nathan Fairbairn, Michael Raicht, Emanuel Simeoni, Declan Shalvey, Ethan Van Sciver & John Paul Leon

  • Publication Date: 2013-08-28
  • Category: Comics & Graphic Novels


An all-star special featuring the various members of Batman Incorporated-Man-of-Bats, Red Raven, El Gaucho, Dark Ranger, Knight, Batman himself and more! In the wake of their epic struggle with Talia al Ghul, the Heretic and Leviathan see what's next for the members of Batman's army.
