Carthan, a galactic hero, is banished from his homeworld to Earth by his ruler, Xandor. Seeking his freedom from Earth, he activates three machines of destruction and kidnaps Green Arrow!
Mark Waid, Geoff Johns, John Broome, Gardner Fox, Len Wein, Cary Bates, Bob Kanigher, Marv Wolfman, Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato, William Messner-Loebs, Scott Kolins, Mike Wieringo, Alberto Dose, Ethan Van Sciver, Carmine Infantino, Ross Andru, Irv Novick, Andy Kubert, Harry Lampert, Everett Hibbard, Mike Collins & George P�rez
Gardner Fox, Bob Kanigher, Archie Goodwin, Steve Englehart, Gil Kane, Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert, Sheldon Moldoff, Walt Simonson, Howard Sherman, Peter Riss & Sal Amendola