Two teams out to save the world, two opposing methods to get the job done. It's Batman vs. Nightwing! Flash vs. Green Lantern! Wonder Woman vs. a newly costumed, newly named Donna Troy! Aquaman vs. Tempest! Martian Manhunter vs. Arsenal!
More by Devin Grayson, Phil Jimenez & Eliot R. Brown
Bob Gale, Greg Rucka, Kelley Puckett, Dennis O'Neil, Devin Grayson, Scott Beatty, Ian Edginton, Alex Maleev, Damion Scott, Phil Winslade, Roger Robinson & Dale Eaglesham
James Tynion IV, Robbie Thompson, Tim Seeley, Tom King, Marv Wolfman, Peter J. Tomasi, Devin Grayson, Adam Beechen, Chuck Dixon, Amy Wolfram, Judd Winick, Ramon Villalobos, Mikel Janin, Javier Fernandez, Dustin Nguyen, Jorge Jimenez, Freddie Williams II, Tom Grummett, Scott McDaniel, Dan Jurgens, Damion Scott, Kenneth Rocafort, Nicola Scott, Andy Kubert & Frank Miller
Alan Grant, Shane McCarthy, Kelley Puckett, Paul Dini, John Layman, Devin Grayson, Norm Breyfogle, Cliff Chiang, Jennifer Graves, Jim Balent, Dustin Nguyen, Henrik Jonsson, Roger Robinson & Matt Wagner
Ron Marz, Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, Scott Beatty, Devin Grayson, Kelley Puckett, Jim Aparo, Mark Buckingham, Rodolfo Damaggio, Frank Teran, Eduardo Barreto, Tom Mandrake, Scott McDaniel, Flint Henry, Jim Balent, Brian Apthorp, Graham Nolan & Brian Stelfreeze
Kelley Puckett, Paul Dini, Chuck Dixon, Devin Grayson, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Damion Scott, Don Kramer, Dick Giordano, Greg Land, Cameron Stewart & Michael Lark
Nancy A. Collins, Gail Simone, Devin Grayson, John Shirley, Steve Bissette, Elaine Lee, Denis St. John, Joe R. Lansdale, Eric Trautmann, Stuart Moore, Jack Jadson, Ronilson Freire, Elmo Eklabuz, Bilquis Evely, Eman Casallos, Mirka Andolfo & Chad Shepherd