Leadership In Conflict 1914–1918 - Matthew Hughes & Matthew Seligmann

Leadership In Conflict 1914–1918

Author: Matthew Hughes & Matthew Seligmann

  • Publication Date: 1990-12-31
  • Category: History


The First World War was a conflict in which personality and character mattered. Its course and outcome were decided by determined individuals who had to make momentous decisions in very trying circumstances. As battles raged on land, sea and air across Europe, Africa and Asia, the Generals and politicians tried to steer a course to victory. It was never easy and they often disagreed on the best strategy. Yet, men's lives depended on the outcome.This collection of authorative essay examines these disagreements, portraying the decision-making process on both sides in the Great War. The personalities involved are now household names: Haig, Foch, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson and the German Kaiser, William II.
