Giving Place to the Enemy - Brother Lawrence

Giving Place to the Enemy

Author: Brother Lawrence

  • Publication Date: 2020-10-08
  • Category: Religion & Spirituality


About Giving Place to the Enemy

This guide is for those struggling with chronic sins, and addictions. We must all understand the subtle deceptions used by the enemy. They work to get us to follow our own mind, emotions, and desires. When we follow them, we make them our gods. Only our Lord Jesus Christ can deliver us from following the subtle stirrings and lies of the enemy. The power of sin always stirs us through lies, deceptions, and subtle suggestions. Sin always works to get us to give in to its sway. When we do, we give the enemy power over us. There will always be spiritual warfare until our Lord places all His enemies under His feet. Until then, we must learn to give Him every battle in every temptation. The Abiding Presence of His Spirit within us gives us the ability to resist. But the war never ends until Our Lord Jesus comes back. To live in unbroken fellowship with God, we must learn to live by His unbroken Word. This is trusting in Him alone. God Bless.
