The Lord's Table - Andrew Murray

The Lord's Table

Author: Andrew Murray

  • Publication Date: 2007-09-01
  • Category: Christianity


How many times have you "taken Communion," "celebrated the Eucharist," "come to the Lord's Supper," or shared in "Breaking of the Bread"?

How many times have you actually prepared to receive the blessings or thought that there is something more than the ritual and tradition of "do this in remembrance of Me"?

"Because the Supper is the remembrance, the communion of Jesus, the living Saviour, it sets Him before us in all that He was, and is, and shall be. It is only in the future that we can expect to have the full realization of what is begun at the Lord's Supper."

Rather than a Sunday-morning-only experience, Reverend Andrew Murray offers a three-week experience beginning with the week prior, the week of, and the week after sharing the love of Christ with Him at His table.

Discover the union that satisfies deeper than bread and wine-discover your destiny as you sit at The Lord's Table with Him.

"My body, which is given for you My blood, which is shed for you"
(Matthew 26:26; Luke 22:19).
