Demonology - Ken Chant


Author: Ken Chant

  • Publication Date: 2015-02-04
  • Category: Bible Studies


This is the second part of a fascinating adventure – a quest to penetrate the veil, to step into another dimension, to learn what is happening in the world of spirits.
Our quest is in two sections, the first dealing with the kingdom of light, and the second (this book) with the kingdom of darkness. You will find familiar things here; you may also find things that startle and amaze you. Unless you are already full of knowledge, I am sure the following pages will enrich your understanding of the place occupied by angels and demons in God's world. Even well-informed students may find themselves encountering here some new ideas, some new ways of looking at the realm of both good and evil spirits.
You will find no stories about angels or demons, except those that come out of the Bible. I have refrained from building doctrine either on my own experiences or those of others. The books I have read about angels and demons abound in such stories, but I find many of them unconvincing.
Writing these lessons has reinforced my belief that it is unwise to desire too much knowledge about either angels or demons. We should be content with what scripture tells us. To yearn for more is perilous, and may lead to deep deception. These lessons will serve you well if they do no more (nor any less) than sufficiently expose you to the world of angels to enhance your confidence in God, and to the world of demons to ensure your personal mastery over the devil and all his works.
